Every month we're giving away five water butts, to help our customers save water the easy way.

Every year you could fill up a water butt over 400 times with just rainfall! Plants also prefer rain water as it’s full of nutrients, plus it’s free! You can use it to water to garden which really helps when the weather is warmer.

It’s great for the environment too, as not using drinking water on your garden keeps more water in the rivers and lakes for nature.

Icon graphic of a green water butt within a blue water drop
It's really simple to enter, you just have to find Walter the Water Butt hidden somewhere on the South East Water website using the clue below.

Once you've found Walter (he could be hidden anywhere!), click the icon to enter your details to be entered into a draw to win one of five water butts this month.

Good luck!

October's clue...

Walter the Water Butt is hidden somewhere on the South East Water website. Can you find him to enter your details to be with a chance of winning one of five water butts this month?

"Use the menu bar to find me, I am enjoying reading about saving water and energy..."