South East Water start school summer holiday work in Farnborough

6th August 2024

A project to upgrade the drinking water supply network within West Heath roundabout in Farnborough is taking place during the school summer holidays.

The work has started today (Monday, 5 August), with a road closure in place on the southbound stretch of the B3014 from West Heath Road to Southwood Road and two-way traffic lights on the mini roundabout where Southwood Road and Cove Road meet.

A diversion will be in place via the A325, A327 and B3014 during the first phase of the project, before work is paused over the bank holiday weekend, with the road being re-opened between Saturday, 24 August and Monday, 26 August.

A further road closure will then be in place in both directions on Fleet Road, on the junction with the West Heath roundabout, from Tuesday, 27 August, with a diversion in place via the B3014, A327 and A325.

The work is due to be completed by Wednesday, 4 September in time for when most local schools return after the summer holidays.

South East Water Regional Works Delivery Manager, Phil Cereda, said: “This is an important project for us to replace five valves in the area.

“We know that road closures and diversions can cause an impact on traffic locally and we apologise for any inconvenience, but these are necessary for the safety of motorists, pedestrians and our workforce.

“This vital work will be carried out in the school summer holidays to try and minimise the impact and we will work as quickly as possible to complete the project in time for when the schools return.”

Extended working hours have been agreed for the project, with work taking place between 7.30am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday, and between 8am and 1pm on Saturdays.

No work will be taking place on Sundays, but the road closures will remain in place 24/7, apart from over the bank holiday weekend.

More information and maps showing the diversion routes can be found online at:

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