Our Business Plan was the most ambitious plan we have ever produced.

Customers and stakeholders supported our regionally targeted plan, which focused on:

  • Investing in new sustainable water resources.
  • Improving network resilience.
  • Increasing drinking water storage capacity.
  • Installing 275,000 smart meters.
  • Implement a smart water network.
  • Utilise innovation to reduce leakage.
  • Collaborate environmentally to improve raw water quality.
  • Build new nitrate treatment plants.
  • Continue to deliver excellent drinking water quality.
  • Introduce a six-point plan to remove water poverty by 2030.

Our response to the draft determination, detailed in the documents below, provides further evidence to Ofwat of the changes that should be made to the Final Determination. We believe that these changes will deliver an improved level of resilience and performance for our customers and better environmental outcomes.


Performance Commitments and Outcome Delivery Incentives

Tables and table commentary

Cost Assessment

Fully redacted